Sunday, May 23, 2010

Guess Who Is Back!

HEY HEY EVERYONE!It has been so long...way to long. But i am back, the reason you ask, well just bored to death after a crazy party and sleepover last night, and goes to show,I AM IN A HORRIBLE MOOD! Thank god you get to read this.

So as everyone at A E Wright knows school is coming to an end...good or bad...ill get back to you on that one. And with the last rotation on, i remember my first one, which happened to be when i got this blog! Hope that the new,and last rotation are having a great time, and yes that means i am with Ms.Mantooth. I really need to find a way to pass the time, seems like touching buttons with my fingers is wearing me out, very, very tiering.

Well, hope everyone is having a great Ferlough week, see A E Wright kids soon! Peace, Love, And LOLLIPOPS!


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Excited Much?

hey everyone! i am so excited the new 2nd blogroll has been put up,and love checking out everyones blog! also to everyone that just started the computer connections with Ms.Weiss,welcome!you guys will be having so much fun in this class i know i did!You will get to learn so many new ways to use computers that i still use after this class was over,now i dont want to tel you everything about what you will do,so i will leave it to Ms.Weiss,but i can tell you one thing... in this class you will make alot of new friends,and Ms.Weiss makes the internet a place were you are connected. I guess that is why she calls it computer connections. One more thing before i bored you to death! Is i would like to say thank you to Ms.Weiss for teaching me great ways to stay connected.Once again welcome to computer connections!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Voice thread is a great way to do assignments,tell things about you,etc. What you do is take a picture of yourself or another thing and you can record yourself talking about it. Then you post it on voice thread and people can comment on it with there voice,or you can chose another way like text,writing,or telephone. You can also have a group conversation. You could also show a map and tell about where you come from. I think that I would use voice thread to do assignments for school. So my teacher can go on the website and watch it to make it easier and he/she could also comment on it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hey y'all I just wanted to tell you all a little about one thing I have put on my blog! What it is is that video I recently put on my blog. How I made it is from this really fun website called animoto! On it you can create a videos that are uploaded from your own computer or there selection,you can also add music.And in the end it turns out really cool. also once you are done you can share it with the world or put on your blog!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Hello everyone I just want to write a post because I have not been writing anything lately. I also wanted to say that you must of noticed that I have made a video. In case you are wondering how I made that video I just went to it is a really fun website were you can make your own videos with pictuers, music,and more.I love it. Also all those pictures of that avatar were from that is were you can customize your own pictures and make them look really cool. So I just wanted to tell you just so you know and that you should try going on it. thanx. Talk to you guys later.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009